Be a beacon for the people who need your magic!

I help women transform their businesses with stand-out branding and strategic websites that attract their ideal clients.


I’m Danielle D’Amore - founder of Hello Magic Creative. 

I’m here to help women business owners get noticed and make a bigger impact on the world.  Because what you do is SO important.  Your people NEED YOU but they first need to be able to FIND YOU!

And I know most of the time it feels like you’re just shouting into a black hole and no one is listening and no one is paying attention. And that is BEYOND FRUSTRATING!

Well I’m here to help you with creating brand and marketing tools - like your website, lead magnets (aka freebies), and social graphics to help you stand out from the crowd.

We’re going to have your ideal clients WANTING to say HELLO to you and EXCITED to hear from you!  And that, my friend, is MAGIC.

A Bit About Me

My winding career path has influenced my sense of design.  I worked for many years at a hotel company that is credited with starting the boutique hotel movement.  There, the design department was queen and we had exacting brand specifications.  This is also where I learned the power of fonts. (Helvetica 45 will always have a place in my heart!)  As an actress in Hollywood I learned how to choose headshots and photos that connect with people and tell stories.  

I’ve been designing in the digital space Since 2007 when I began creating cards and postcards as marketing tools for actors while living in Los Angeles. I’ve been designing social media and marketing tools for health coaches since 2015 and am passionate about helping them help others live healthy, happy lives.  

When I’m not busy playing with colors, fonts and shapes, you’ll find me trying to keep up with my two energetic kiddos, my 75 pound lab mix rescue and attempting, alongside my husband, to DIY our way through updating our home - which is now in Ohio.

Free Guide - Lead Magnet Magical Idea Generator

Do you know you need a powerful Lead Magnet (aka Freebie) but you’re coming up short on great ideas? Well, I’ll walk you step-by-step through generating ideas that not only showcase your strengths as a service provider but are also a beacon to your ideal clients so that they’ll be saying YES to hearing more from you!  After all, isn’t that the whole point? We want them to say yes to joining your email list so you can continue building that relationship with them.

You’ll begin standing out from the pack of all of the other biz owners out there and they’ll start seeing YOU as the person who can help them with their problems!