Deposit for Custom Designed Guide


Deposit for 4-6 page custom guide.

Reserve your spot! Guides are designed in the order that the deposit and needed items (text, photos) are received.

Once your deposit is made, you’ll receive instructions for next steps: submitting text, photos, etc and scheduling your consult call.


Deposit for 4-6 page custom guide.

Reserve your spot! Guides are designed in the order that the deposit and needed items (text, photos) are received.

Once your deposit is made, you’ll receive instructions for next steps: submitting text, photos, etc and scheduling your consult call.

Deposit for 4-6 page custom guide.

Reserve your spot! Guides are designed in the order that the deposit and needed items (text, photos) are received.

Once your deposit is made, you’ll receive instructions for next steps: submitting text, photos, etc and scheduling your consult call.


  • 4-6 Page Guide

  • 15-30 minute consult call to discuss ideas, styling, colors, fonts and more

  • High Quality PDF-Print Quality final product

  • Easy to follow checklist to gather your text, photos and other items to be included in the guide

  • Correspondence throughout design process via email and/or Marco Polo or Voxer if needed

Note: Total Cost for 4-6 page guide is $325. The balance of $175 will be billed after the work is completed.